I took the photo in this morning, it's a white chritsmas tree. i visited at my grandma's home, the garden looked very beautiful. ><
Merry Chritsmas to you!!! : )
May your days be merry and may all your chritsmas be white.
I hope you guys the enjoys of the season. And have a good time with your family and friends. Happy holidays!!
Dear Santa Claus.. Please come to my home! i waiting for the gift. Hahaha
(My lovely bear)
"All i want for chirtsmas is you" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RengWX0P5KA&feature=relatedSuch such a great song of Maraih Carey. she's awesome, i love her voic and performance.
In Chritmas cold and weather and warm feelings. <: ) it's made me felt have a spirit to do anything. I felt very good when i listen to love easy song. My fevorite all of CD songs, this relexing music. i like to listen to music every times. and i love the best artists of the 90's. Especially, Aqua, Celine Dion, Westlife, Maroon5, Blue, Backstreet Boys, Rickey Martin, Spice Girls, C21, M2M, Atomic Kitten. I'm missing all songs, wanna come back again T^T